Individual and Team Signups:
- Saturday, February 1 -- 10:00 am to 2:00 pm -- Field House at ABC
- Saturday, February 15 -- 10:00 am to 2:00 pm -- Field House at ABC
- (Photo ID's will also be available on these dates)
Photo ID Dates:
- IDs may be obtained on the sign-up dates shown above...
- Additional dates to be determined -- 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm -- Field House at ABC
ABC Softball Manager's Information Meeting:
- Date to be determined -- Rudy Room at ABC
Team Rosters, Forms, and Registration Fees Due:
- Date to be determined -- Rudy Room at ABC
- Team registration fee MUST be paid in full to schedule games
ABC Softball Scheduling Meeting
- Date to be determined -- Field House at ABC
- 10-U and 12-U teams -- 6:00 pm
- 14-U and High School teams -- 7:00 pm
- A manager, coach, or team representative FROM EACH TEAM MUST ATTEND
Opening Day at ABC Ball Park -- Saturday, May 3
- 10:30 am -- Opening Day Parade
- Begins at Wyland School (Brown Rd. - just north of Woodson Rd.)
- 11:00 am -- Opening Ceremonies
- 12:00 pm -- First pitch of the 2025 season -- on all fields